I don’t wan’ be lonely no more, oh.
“Cigarettes” 這首歌是 Juice WRLD 於2022年2月2日正式發表的單曲。這首歌也收錄進在他死後的專輯《 Fighting Demons 》的特別豪華版中。
在 “Cigarettes” 這首歌中 Juice WRLD 表達著他對香菸的嗜好。Juice WRLD 經常在歌曲中談論著關於愛情和毒品的話題,他也指出這個特別的女孩是如何讓他的心從七上八下的,以及當他情緒低落時又是如何讓他振作起來的。
“Cigarettes” 這首歌曾經於 2018 年 10 月 7 日首次被洩露,隨後因版權原因被刪除。 然而,在曲目正式發布之前的 2019 年底和 2020 年初,音源又陸續的被洩漏。一直到 2022 年 2 月 2 日發表正式的音源作品。
Written By
Nick Mira & Juice WRLD
[Intro] Na-na-na-na-na-na-na, oh, oh [Pre-Chorus] Smoke cigarettes, cancer in the chest like cardiac arrest 我吸著煙,胸口就像癌症正在擴散,就像心臟會驟停一樣 I've been feelin' stressed, tryna find ways to impress her 我一直感到壓力很大,試著想辦法給她留下深刻得印象 Showin' her that I love her, tryna show her a effort 想向她展示我愛她,試著向她展示我的努力 Gotta keep it together, 'er 我必須振作 [Chorus] I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦 I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦 She picks my heart off of the floor, 'or 她從地板上撿起我破碎的心,或者 I'm addicted, yeah, I need me some more, 'or 是我上癮了,是的,我需要更多,更多的妳,或者 I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦 I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦 She picks my heart off of the floor, 'or 她從地板上撿起我破碎的心,或者 I'm addicted, yeah, I need me some more, 'or 是我上癮了,是的,我需要更多,更多的妳,或者 [Verse] Oh, oh, this a love letter that I wrote 哦,哦,這是我寫給妳的情書 She keep me up when I'm feelin' low 當我情緒低落時,是她讓我保持清醒 She's my overdose, 'dose, 'dose 她是我的使用過量的藥,藥,藥 Being heartbroken is so last year 上一次心碎已經是去年的事 Having breakdowns and she wipin' my tears 我過一次崩潰,是她擦去我的眼淚 I've been feelin' fine ever since she been mine 自從她成為我的女人以來,我前所未有的感覺良好 In other words, yeah, she changed my life 換句話說,是的,是她改變了我的生活 Open up like a book, let her read me 像本書一樣被打開,讓她閱讀我 One call away if she ever needs me 如果她需要我,只要一通電話 If I ever fall apart, I know she gon' keep me together 如果我分崩離析,我知道她會讓我重新振作 Treat me like a promise, baby, keep me forever 把我當作一個承諾,寶貝,讓我永遠和妳在一起 [Refrain] I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦 I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦 I'ma meet you back at the chorus 我會在舞台後面和妳見面 P.S, baby girl, you're so gorgeous P.S. 寶貝,妳太美了 [Pre-Chorus] Smoke cigarettes, cancer in the chest like cardiac arrest 我吸著煙,胸口就像癌症正在擴散,就像心臟會驟停一樣 I've been feelin' stressed, tryna find ways to impress her 我一直感到壓力很大,試著想辦法給她留下深刻得印象 Showin' her that I love her, tryna show her a effort 想向她展示我愛她,試著向她展示我的努力 Gotta keep it together, 'er 我必須振作 [Chorus] I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦 I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦 She picks my heart off of the floor, 'or 她從地板上撿起我破碎的心,或者 I'm addicted, yeah, I need me some more, 'or 是我上癮了,是的,我需要更多,更多的妳,或者 I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦 I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦 She picks my heart off of the floor, 'or 她從地板上撿起我破碎的心,或者 I'm addicted, yeah, I need me some more, 'or 是我上癮了,是的,我需要更多,更多的妳,或者 [Bridge] As I find my way to the bottom of this bottle 當我找到通往自暴自棄,墮落底端的路時 She's in my head, please don't get me started 她在我的腦海裡浮現,請妳不要讓我淪陷 I could talk about her all-day 我可以花費一整天談論著她 She's on my mind, always 她在我心裡,永遠,永遠的唯一 As I find my way to the bottom of this bottle 當我找到通往自暴自棄,墮落底端的路時 She's in my head, please don't get me started 她在我的腦海裡浮現,請妳不要讓我淪陷 I could talk about her all-day 我可以花費一整天談論著她 She's on my mind, always 她在我心裡,永遠,永遠的唯一 [Refrain] I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦 I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦 I'ma meet you back at the chorus 我會在舞台後面和妳見面 P.S, baby girl, you're so gorgeous P.S. 寶貝,妳太美了 [Pre-Chorus] Smoke cigarettes, cancer in the chest like cardiac arrest 我吸著煙,胸口就像癌症正在擴散,就像心臟會驟停一樣 I've been feelin' stressed, tryna find ways to impress her 我一直感到壓力很大,試著想辦法給她留下深刻得印象 Showin' her that I love her, tryna show her a effort 想向她展示我愛她,試著向她展示我的努力 Gotta keep it together, 'er 我必須振作 [Chorus] I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦 I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦 She picks my heart off of the floor, 'or 她從地板上撿起我破碎的心,或者 I'm addicted, yeah, I need me some more, 'or 是我上癮了,是的,我需要更多,更多的妳,或者 I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦 I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦 She picks my heart off of the floor, 'or 她從地板上撿起我破碎的心,或者 I'm addicted, yeah, I need me some more, 'or 是我上癮了,是的,我需要更多,更多的妳,或者 [Outro] I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦 I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦 I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦 I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦 I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦 I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦 I don't wan' be lonely no more, oh 我不想再感受孤獨了,哦
Check out more Juice WRLD here: Merch - https://999club.com/ Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/uiceheidd Twitter - https://twitter.com/JuiceWorlddd Insta - https://www.instagram.com/juicewrld999/