The wind takes you away.
It’s like you never came.
“風 Wind” 是 隊長YoungCaptain 在2023年11月1日發表的單曲。
《 碎碎念 》 是 隊長YoungCaptain 預計在接下來發表的新專輯。
跟你一樣難過 能不能夠算聲抱歉 或是用更多時間 來複習你愛聽的語言 I'm as sad as you Can this be considered my apology? Or I use more time Come and brush up on the language you love to hear 它爬滿記憶像是苔蘚 好像也沒用多少天 越是下雨就越是思念 潮濕的讓我不能理解 It's covered with memories like moss It doesn’t seem to take many days The more it rains, the more I miss you The weather is so humid that I can't understand it 什麼都弄丟了 手還牽著做什麼 最廉價的安慰是說一定會再見的 你要的是承諾 儘管給承諾的人並不是我 I've lost everything, why are you still holding hands? The cheapest comfort is to say, "We will definitely meet again" What you want is a commitment Even though I’m not the one who made the promise 風把你給帶走 就像你沒來過 我沒愛過 把心都給掏空 已經習慣了孤獨好久好久 也得一個人好好生活 The wind takes you away It's like you never came I have never loved But my heart was ripped out I have been used to being alone for a long time And I have to live well alone 早已錯過 不想錯失的夢 我沒愛過 把心都給掏空 花會隨著時間掉落 記憶裡卻不想和你錯過 I have already missed it The dream I least want to miss I have never loved But my heart was ripped out Flowers will fall over time In my memory, I don’t want to miss you 風把你給帶走 就當你沒來過 我倔強的說不出口 雖然不忍但就此別過 The wind takes you away Just pretend you haven't been here I am too stubborn to say anything Although I can’t bear it, let’s just say goodbye 為什麼我那麼爭先恐後 只能夠等時間拯救 在黑夜裡等著你回頭 如果你也能看到我 Why am I so scrambling? Can only wait for time to save me Waiting for you to look back in the dark night If you could look back and see me too 記憶亂交錯 具體的原因我看不清 誰幫我關上窗戶 阻擋外面刮進來的wind Memories are intertwined I can't see the specific reason clearly Who can help me close the window? Block the wind blowing in from outside 你的感受我都有體會 你走後我靈魂被帶走一半 履行承諾但是沒有機會 回頭望去卻滿是遺憾 I know how you feel After you left, half of my soul was taken away Fulfill the promise but have no chance Looking back was full of regrets 從沒有太多的期盼 好想再躺在你臂彎 那就喝個爛醉今晚 為何變得如此極端 Never have much expectations I really want to lie in your arms again Then get drunk tonight Why has it become so extreme? 誰又在把你灌醉 你身邊的朋友又換了幾位 推杯換盞你又喝了幾杯 而我身邊都是空的座位 Who is getting you drunk again? How many friends around you have changed? At the lively party, how many drinks did you have? And there were empty seats all around me 深夜的歌唱只想要你陪 不想找理由我只想頹廢 他們的不屑但你最珍貴 Come back to me (回到我身邊) Singing late at night, I just want you to accompany me I don't want to find a reason to cheer up, I just want to be decadent They disdain you, but you are the most precious to me Come back to me 遠方 傳來你的聲音 我看見了 陽光透露你的倒影 Your voice comes from the distance I saw it The sun reveals your reflection 風把你給帶走 就像你沒來過 我沒愛過 把心都給掏空 已經習慣了孤獨好久好久 也得一個人好好生活 The wind takes you away It's like you never came I have never loved But my heart was ripped out I have been used to being alone for a long time And I have to live well alone 早已錯過 不想錯失的夢 我沒愛過 把心都給掏空 花會隨時間掉落 記憶裡卻不想和你錯過 I have already missed it The dream I least want to miss I have never loved But my heart was ripped out Flowers will fall over time In my memory, I don’t want to miss you
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