I’ll always come back home.
“home” 是 Ollie 在2022年6月3日發表的單曲。
[Chorus] I feel aches in my bones 我感受著那種鑽心刺骨的痛 I lost track of the time 我忘卻了時間 A few drinks for my soul 為了我的靈魂,多喝幾杯 I've been wandering blind 我一直都在盲目的轉悠 I'll always come back home, I'm singing 不管我走到哪,最終我都會回家,我在唱著歌 I’ll always come back home 不管我走到哪,最終我都會回家 Now and forever 現在和永遠 [Chorus] I feel aches in my bones 我感受著那種鑽心刺骨的痛 I lost track of the time 我忘卻了時間 A few drinks for my soul 為了我的靈魂,多喝幾杯 I've been wandering blind 我一直都在盲目的轉悠 I'll always come back home, I'm singing 不管我走到哪,最終我都會回家,我在唱著歌 I’ll always come back home 不管我走到哪,最終我都會回家 Now and forever 現在和永遠 [Verse 1] Yeah, I learned home is more than just a destination, its a feeling 是的,我學到家不僅僅是一個目的地,更是一種深刻的感受 Something I had so confused while focusing solely on making a living 當我只專注於謀生時,我感到很困惑 I think the saddest thing is when you look in the mirror an the person you see is a villain 我覺得最可悲的是當你照鏡子的時候,你看到鏡子裡的人是一個惡棍 I'm blaming all of the anger inside of my soul my character slowly been switching 我把所有的憤怒都歸咎於我的靈魂,我的性格慢慢地再改變 Like what was I missing? I knew that money would not make me whole 比如我曾經錯過了什麼?我知道錢不會讓我的靈魂完整 I was tryna live fast 'cause my black heart healing too slow 我試著過著快節奏的生活,因為我漆黑的心癒合的太慢 You know the phrase that without the rain there isn’t a flower that ever would grow 你知道那句話: "沒有雨,就沒有一朵花會長出來" But over the years collecting my tears I think its too much I'm 'bout to explode 但這麼多年來,我不斷收集著我的眼淚,我已經承受太多,我就快要爆炸了 [Verse 1] Yeah, punch a couple tickets for the ride 是的,在幾張車票上打了洞 Dreams always blind you to the lies 夢想總是讓你對謊言視而不見 Searching for a place I couldn’t find 想尋找一個沒有人會知道的地方 Bloodshot eyes what a shame 佈滿血絲的眼睛,多可惜 Told you all this pleasure lead too pain 告訴你這一切的快樂都太痛苦 Lost inside the valley of the shadow of death tryna find another way 迷失在滿是死亡陰影的山谷裡,試著找到另一條路 I'm good, at least I keep telling myself 我很好,至少這我一直告訴我自己的 I don’t need no one for no help 我不需要任何人的幫助 Just follow this north star till I'm home 跟隨著這顆北極星直到我回家 An everything’s back how it felt 然後一切都回歸平靜 Back when I'd sing you these rap songs till we both fell asleep on couch 回到當時我給你唱這些說唱歌曲,直到我們都在沙發上睡著 Was home there wasn’t a doubt, I'm saying 這是家嗎? 毫無疑問,是的 [Chorus] I feel aches in my bones 我感受著那種鑽心刺骨的痛 I lost track of the time 我忘卻了時間 A few drinks for my soul 為了我的靈魂,多喝幾杯 I've been wandering blind 我一直都在盲目的轉悠 I'll always come back home, I'm singing 不管我走到哪,最終我都會回家,我在唱著歌 I’ll always come back home 不管我走到哪,最終我都會回家 Now and forever 現在和永遠 [Verse 2] Yeah, I'll always come back but shit just feel different its not quite the same 是的,最終我都會回家,但這該死的感覺就是變得不太一樣,完全不一樣 I know its my fault the dream I was chasing has drove me insane 我知道這是我的錯,我追逐著會讓我發瘋的夢想 Like I've been trying to focus more on the present instead of the things in my brain 就像我一直再試圖關注眼前的事,而不是我大腦中的事情 But everything’s easier said than done when you not the person who’s goin' through pain 但當你不是那個正在經歷痛苦的人時,一切都是說起來容易,做起來難 Won't change but I try, people that I loved switching sides 這一切都不會改變,但我會願意嘗試,我欣賞會換為思考的人 Maybe I'm not cut out for this life, crosses on my heart hope to die 也許我並不適合這場人生旅程,也曾有個想法在我的心上劃過,希望我能死去 Almost turned the pages letting go, sometimes true recovery is slow 差點就真的放手,把篇章翻過,有時真正的康復是很緩慢的 I keep fighting battles from within 我不斷地和我的內心進行戰鬥 I think where its leading me is home, I know 我想不停帶領我的,就是家帶給我的動力,我知道的 [Verse 2] I know I just know, windows down its almost 20 below 我知道,我就是知道,給窗戶開了一個小窗口 This cigarette is goin' straight to my soul 這支香煙直沖我的靈魂 I pour up some liquor its making me sicker but I got some shit that's caught inside my throat 我倒了一些酒,這讓我病得更厲害,但我的喉嚨里就像是卡住了一些東西 So bottled up from being stuck on my own 所以被我自己困住了 The paranoia of somebody who's broke 破產者的妄想症 I'm stumbling over all the words that I wrote 我為我所寫的文字磕磕絆絆 Deep breath sweating in my palms 深呼吸,我的掌心冒汗 I can hear the chaos when its calm 當平靜時,我能聽到的只有混亂 As if everyday is just a song 彷彿每一天都只是一首歌 I knew my direction had too change 我知道我前進的方向必須要改變 Something that I never could explain 有些事是我永遠無法解釋的 Six string playing on repeat 六根弦不斷重複的演奏 Only thing that’s ever kept me sane, its why 那是唯一能讓我保持理智的事情,這就是為什麼 [Chorus] I feel aches in my bones 我感受著那種鑽心刺骨的痛 I lost track of the time 我忘卻了時間 A few drinks for my soul 為了我的靈魂,多喝幾杯 I've been wandering blind 我一直都在盲目的轉悠 I'll always come back home, I'm singing 不管我走到哪,最終我都會回家,我在唱著歌 I’ll always come back home 不管我走到哪,最終我都會回家 Now and forever 現在和永遠
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