I bet you’re up in the V.I.P., raisin’ some hell for me.
Until I get in to club Heaven.
《 church club for the lonely 》 是 Nessa Barrett 預計在2023年發表的第二張錄音室專輯。
“club heaven” 是 Nessa Barrett 在2023年10月6日發表的單曲。
“club heaven” 是獻給所有失去至親朋友的歌,希望他們在死後的世界一切都安好。也是 Nessa Barrett 獻給好友 Cooper Noriega 的歌曲。Nessa Barrett 曾表示在她沒有走出悲傷以前,可能永遠都不會將這首歌發表。但隨著時間和傷口的癒合,Nessa 也走出失去好友的傷痛,她已經準備好將這首歌釋出。
Produced By
Evan Blair
Written By
Nessa Barrett, Evan Blair, Solly & Madi Yanofsky
[Verse 1] You always liked an afterparty, so I guess I shoulda known 你總是喜歡參加狂歡派對,所以我想我早應該知道 Said we hate the paparazzi, now you're somewhere they can't go 說著我們討厭狗仔隊,現在的你到了他們去不了的地方 I hope you know I'm sorry, that I'm not with you right now 我希望你知道我很抱歉,現在的我不能陪在你身邊 Can't pick up when you call me, can't hear it through the clouds 你想找時我卻無法回應,我無法穿透雲層聽見你的聲音 [Pre-Chorus] I've been waitin' right outside 我一直在外頭等著你 Tryna bribe the bouncer 試圖賄賂保鑣 He says, "Not tonight" 他說:“不是今晚” [Chorus] I hope you're dancin' in club Heaven (Yeah) 我希望你在天堂俱樂部裡跳著舞 Smokin' some blue dream with your legends (Yeah) 與你的傳奇偶像們一起抽著煙,聊著一些陰鬱的夢 I bet you're up in the V.I.P., raisin' some hell for me 我打賭你在那是上等貴賓,正在那裡大肆崛起等著我到來 Until I get in (I can't get in) 直到我也到達那裡 (我進不去) To club Heaven 到達天堂的俱樂部裡 [Verse 2] The music's never stoppin', and the lights never turn on 音樂永遠不會停止,燈光永遠不會打開 The saints are rollin' Molly, and you're talkin' shit with God 聖徒們在和搖頭丸打交道,而你卻在和上帝胡說八道 I'm searchin' for your halo 'cause I'm not havin' fun 我正在尋找你頭頂的光環,因為我玩得並不盡興 In the city full of angels that's missin' the best one 在充滿天使的城市裡,卻錯過了最好的一位天使 [Pre-Chorus] I wish I could cut the line 我希望我能插個隊 Been tryna bribe the bouncer 試圖賄賂保鑣 He says, "Not tonight" 他說:“不是今晚” [Chorus] I hope you're dancin' in club Heaven (Yeah) 我希望你在天堂俱樂部裡跳著舞 Smokin' some blue dream with your legends (Yeah) 與你的傳奇偶像們一起抽著煙,聊著一些陰鬱的夢 I bet you're up in the V.I.P., raisin' some hell for me 我打賭你在那是上等貴賓,正在那裡大肆崛起等著我到來 Until I get in (I can't get in) 直到我也到達那裡 (我進不去) To club Heaven 到達天堂的俱樂部裡 [Bridge] What if I can't get in? 如果我進不去怎麼辦? How will I see you again? 我該如何才能再見到你? What if I can't get in? 如果我進不去怎麼辦? How will I see you again? 我該如何才能再見到你? [Outro] I hope you're dancin' in club Heaven 我希望你在天堂俱樂部裡盡情狂歡
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