Back to Alonica.
Where the sun is out all the time.
“Alonica” 是 LANY 在2023年7月7日發表的單曲。
《 i really really hope so 》 是 LANY 預計在2023年9月發表的專輯,後將專輯名改為《 A Beautiful Blur 》。
Alonica: is a place within yourself when being you and having your is enough for you.
LANY 關於這首歌想表達的是,當你足夠愛自己,相信自己時,你才能更好的去愛別人,去幫助別人。
Produced By
Mike Crossey
Written By
Jake Goss, Paul Jason Klein, Aodhan King & Mike Crossey
[Verse 1] I'm fallin' out of love with you, LA 我已經不再愛你了,洛杉磯 Runnin' out of reasons I should stay 我已經沒有理由再留下來 I'm overwhelmed, I'm over it 我不知所措,我已經決心忘懷 It's too cold here anyway 反正這裡是這麼的冷 I'm fallin' out of love with you, LA 我已經不再愛你了,洛杉磯 [Chorus] Back to Alonica 回到我內心的歸屬地 Where the sun is out all the time 在那裡太陽是不會熄滅的 My favorite beach is there 我最喜歡的海灘就在那裡 And the sand, it stretches for miles 還有綿延數英里的沙灘 Singin' la-di-di-di-da 高聲唱著,啦滴滴滴噠 And slowly dancin' 'til the mornin' comes 緩緩地跳著舞,直到早晨來臨 I feel most at home when I'm back in Alonica 當我回到我內心的歸屬地時,是我感覺最自在的時刻 [Verse 2] Darlin', I have finally settled in 親愛的,我終於安定下來了 The water's perfect for a midnight swim 這裡的水非常適合午夜游泳 It's paradise, the stars and I 這就是天堂,只有星星和我 Are catchin' up like old friends 像老朋友般的敘舊 My heart is learnin' how to love again 我的心正在學習如何再次去愛 [Chorus] Back to Alonica 回到我內心的歸屬地 Where the sun is out all the time 在那裡太陽是不會熄滅的 My favorite beach is there 我最喜歡的海灘就在那裡 And the sand, it stretches for miles 還有綿延數英里的沙灘 Singin' la-di-di-di-da 高聲唱著,啦滴滴滴噠 And slowly dancin' 'til the mornin' comes 緩緩地跳著舞,直到早晨來臨 I feel most at home when I'm back in Alonica 當我回到我內心的歸屬地時,是我感覺最自在的時刻 [Bridge] Made up of a thousand colors 是由一千種顏色所組成的 And everything is in its place 所有的一切都在他們最適合的位置上 I don't know the last time there were 我不知道上次出現這種情況是什麼時候 Tears like this upon my face 在我的臉上留下這樣的淚水 Every artist falls in wonder 每個藝術家都會驚嘆不已 Even Michelangelo 就連米開朗基羅都會驚訝 If God is really out there somewhere 如果上帝真的存在於某處 This must be His other home 這一定是祂的另一個家 [Chorus] Back to Alonica 回到我內心的歸屬地 Where the sun is out all the time 在那裡太陽是不會熄滅的 My favorite beach is there 我最喜歡的海灘就在那裡 And the sand, it stretches for miles 還有綿延數英里的沙灘 Singin' la-di-di-di-da 高聲唱著,啦滴滴滴噠 And slowly dancin' 'til the mornin' comes 緩緩地跳著舞,直到早晨來臨 I feel most at home when I'm back in Alonica 當我回到我內心的歸屬地時,是我感覺最自在的時刻
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