Oh baby, you’re fire just the way you are.
“Magazines” 是 Finding Hope 在2022年2月22日發表的單曲,並收錄在 《 Crush On You 》EP中,裡面共2首歌,”Magazines” 和 “Crush On You”。
Finding Hope 的這首 “Magazines” 是想表達給自己的愛人,你不必試圖改變自己的容貌,改變自己真正是誰。我喜歡的是你從內到外,最真實的你。在我面前,你只需要做你自己。
Written By
Ashton Davila
[Verse 1] I showed up unannounced one day 有一天我突然出現 I thought I’d drop in on you, come say hey 我想我會出現在你面前,和你打招呼 And you were so surprised when you saw me 當你看到我時你很驚訝 When you saw me 當你看到我時 You’d think you saw a ghost that day 你會認為那天你看見的是一個鬼魂 Said I’ll be right out, but let me go change 你說,我等我一下,我馬上就出去,讓我去換件衣服 Worry on your face when you left me 當你離開時,我臉上掛著擔憂 When you left me 當你離開我時 [Chorus] You don’t have to do no crazy things 你不必做任何瘋狂的事情 Study all your beauty magazines 研究你所有的美容雜誌 Buying all the hoop hoop earrings 購買所有的圈圈耳環 Oh baby you're fire, just the way you are 哦寶貝,你很亮麗動人,就和你平常一樣的漂亮 You don’t have to fix your hair for me 你不必為我修剪頭髮 Know I’m not a dude with crazy needs 你知道我不是一個有瘋狂需求的傢伙 You could be yourself around me 你可以在我身邊做你自己 Oh baby, you're fire just the way you are 哦寶貝,你很亮麗動人,就和你平常一樣的漂亮 [Verse 2] Pullеd up to your house one day 有一天起床我去到你家門口 To take you out on anothеr date 帶你出門約會 Said, “Baby, do I look okay?” 你說:“寶貝,我看起來還好嗎?” Baby, I’ll say 寶貝,我會說 Girl, you got it made 女孩,你看起來很完美 I put that on everything 我把它放在所有東西上 You know you’ll never have to change 你知道你永遠不必改變 Baby, not when you’re with me 寶貝,即便是當你和我在一起的時候 [Chorus] You don’t have to do no crazy things 你不必做任何瘋狂的事情 Study all your beauty magazines 研究你所有的美容雜誌 Buying all the hoop hoop earrings 購買所有的圈圈耳環 Oh baby you're fire, just the way you are 哦寶貝,你很亮麗動人,就和你平常一樣的漂亮 You don’t have to fix your hair for me 你不必為我修剪頭髮 Know I’m not a dude with crazy needs 你知道我不是一個有瘋狂需求的傢伙 You could be yourself around me 你可以在我身邊做你自己 Oh baby, you're fire just the way you are 哦寶貝,你很亮麗動人,就和你平常一樣的漂亮 [Instrumental Outro]
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