I just want to love you, love you for free.
Everybody wants somethin’ from me, you just want me.
《 30 》 是 Adele 在2021年11月19日發表的第四張錄音室專輯。
Produced By
Greg Kurstin
Written By
Adele & Greg Kurstin
[Verse 1] How can one become so bounded by choices that somebody else makes? 一個人怎麼會被他人的選擇而限制住? How come we've both become a version of a person we don't even like? 為什麼我們都變成,甚至是我們自己都不喜歡的人? We're in love with the world, but the world just wants to bring us down 我們愛上了這個世界,但這個世界只想讓我們失望 By puttin' ideas in our heads that corrupt our hearts somehow 通過外界的紛擾,將一些想法放置在我們的腦海中,試圖腐蝕我們的心 When I was a child, every single thing could blow my mind 當我還是個孩子的時候,每一件小事都會讓我大吃一驚 Soaking it all up for fun, but now I only soak up wine 會把這一切當成樂趣享受,但現在的我只想泡在酒精裡麻痺自我 They say to play hard, you work hard, find balance in the sacrifice 他們說盡情的玩,也要努力的工作,要在兩者之間找到平衡 And yet I don't know anybody who's truly satisfied 然而,我不知道有誰會真正的,對現狀感到滿意 [Pre-Chorus] You better believe I'm tryin' (Tryin', tryin') 你最好相信我正努力嘗試著 To keep climbin' (Climbin', climbin') 我會繼續努力攀登 But the higher we climb feels like we're both none the wiser 但是當我們爬得越高,越能感覺的到,我們都不是什麼聰明人 [Chorus] So I hope I learn to get over myself 所以我希望,我學會克服自己 Stop tryin' to be somebody else 別再試圖想著成為別人 So we can love each other for free 這樣我們就可以無條件地愛著 Everybody wants somethin', you just want me 每個人都渴望著些什麼,而你只想要我 [Verse 2] Why am I obsessin' about the things I can't control? 為什麼我會沉迷於,我無法掌控的事情裡? Why am I seekin' approval from people I don't even know? 為什麼我要尋求,我甚至都不認識的人的認可? In these crazy times, I hope to find somethin' I can cling on to 在這瘋狂的時代,我希望能找到我可以堅持的東西 'Cause I need some substance in my life, somethin' real, somethin' that feels true 因為我的生活需要一些實質的,一些真實存在的東西,讓我感覺真實的東西 [Pre-Chorus] You better believe for you, I've cried (I've cried, I've cried) 你最好相信,為了你,我哭了 High tides (High tides, high tides) 如海水漲潮般的洶湧 'Cause I want you so bad, but you can't fight fire with fire, oh 因為我真的非常渴望著你,但你不能以火攻火,你無法戰勝,哦 [Chorus] So I hope I learn to get over myself 所以我希望,我學會克服自己 Stop tryin' to be somebody else 別再試圖想著成為別人 Oh, I just want to love you, love you for free 哦,我只想愛你,無條件的愛著你 Everybody wants somethin' from me, you just want me 每個人都想著從我這索取些什麼,而你只想要我 [Bridge] Listen, I know how low I can go, I give as good as I get 聽著,我知道我的底線在哪,我會盡我所能 You get the brunt of it all 'cause you're all I've got left 你首當其衝,因為你是我所剩無幾的全部 Oh, I hope in time (Hope in time) 哦,我但願如此 We both will find (We both find) peace of mind 我們都會找到內心的平靜 Sometimes, the road less travelled is a road best left behind 有時候,少有人走的路,是最應該去放棄的 [Chorus] Well, I hope I learn to get over myself 好吧,我希望,我學會克服自己 Stop tryin' to be somebody else 別再試圖想著成為別人 Oh, I just want to love you, love you for free, yeah 哦,我只想愛你,無條件的愛著你,是的 'Cause everybody wants somethin' from me, you just want me 因為每個人都想著從我這索取些什麼,而你只想要我 [Refrain] You better believe I'm tryin' (Tryin', tryin') 你最好相信我正努力嘗試著 To keep climbin' (Climbin', climbin') 我會繼續努力攀登 But the higher we climb feels like we're both none the wiser 但是當我們爬得越高,越能感覺的到,我們都不是什麼聰明人 [Outro] The only regret I have 我唯一的遺憾 I wish that it was just at a different time 我希望這一切能發生在不同的時間 A most turbulent period of my life 在我一生中最動蕩的時期 Why would I put that on you? 我為什麼要把這一切強壓在你身上? That's just, like, a very heavy thing to have to talk about 這就像是,一件非常沉重卻必須說出口的事情 But because of that period of time 但,因為是那段時間 Even though it was so much fun 儘管一切都非常有趣 I didn't get to go on and make new memories with him 我沒有繼續和他創造新的回憶 There were just memories in a big storm 也只是狂風暴中的回憶罷了
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Sometimes, the road less travelled is a road best left behind