誰說的愛過 就一定會留有印記。
Whoever said love will definitely leave a mark.
《如果聲音不記得》是 郭敬明 監製,落落 執導,由演員 章若楠、孫晨竣 領銜主演。是一部奇幻愛情片。該片是根據作家/導演 落落 的同名中篇小説改編,講述了一個隱藏着秘密的男生喜歡上一個抑鬱症女孩的故事。該電影於2020年12月4日在中國大陸上映。
《如果聲音不記得》中的原聲帶有一首主題曲,及四首插曲。主題曲是由 吳青峯 演唱的電影同名曲 “如果聲音不記得”,其中插曲分別是由 張碧晨 演唱的 “騙”,房東的貓 演唱的 “我是任何野蠻生長的事物”,以及 張鬱梓 演唱的 “心上的風”。
演唱/Voice:張碧晨 Zhang Bichen
詞/Lyrics:代岳東 Dai Yuedong
曲/Music:唐漢霄 Tang Hanxiao
如果愛是擁有佔據 If love is possession 我怎麼鬆開手放棄 How do i let go 任兩顆心拉遠距離 Let two hearts draw a long distance 卻無能為力 But can't do anything to help 像烏雲住進了身體 Like a dark cloud living in the body 亮著燈也感覺壓抑 I feel depressed even with the light on 在孤獨中同樣擁擠 Crowded in loneliness 再見了相遇 Goodbye, As if we never met 我可以 學著冷漠 學著狠心 學著忘記 I can learn to be indifferent, learn to be cruel, learn to forget 不讓人發現心裡面的傾盆大雨 Don't let people discover the pouring rain in my heart 曾一起哭過 笑過 痛過 夢過 We have cried, laughed, hurt, dreamed together 關於你所有一切 絕口不提 I don't want to even mention everything about you anymore 我如何 騙過內心 騙過眼淚 騙過自己 How did I fool my heart, my tears, and myself 誰說的愛過 就一定會留有印記 Whoever said love will definitely leave a mark 我們的愛情 若按下暫停 If our love needs to press pause 告訴我 可不可以 Tell me can it? 像烏雲住進了身體 Like a dark cloud living in the body 亮著燈也感覺壓抑 I feel depressed even with the light on 在孤獨中同樣擁擠 Crowded in loneliness 再見了相遇 Goodbye, As if we never met 我可以 學著冷漠 學著狠心 學著忘記 I can learn to be indifferent, learn to be cruel, learn to forget 不讓人發現心裡面的傾盆大雨 Don't let people discover the pouring rain in my heart 曾一起哭過 笑過 痛過 夢過 We have cried, laughed, hurt, dreamed together 關於你所有一切 絕口不提 I don't want to even mention everything about you anymore 我如何 騙過內心 騙過眼淚 騙過自己 How did I fool my heart, my tears, and myself 誰說的愛過 就一定會留有印記 Whoever said love will definitely leave a mark 我們的愛情 若按下暫停 If our love needs to press pause 告訴我 可不可以 Tell me can it? 越是平靜的痛越徹底 The more calm the pain, the more thorough 那種無法回頭的心情 The feeling of being unable to look back 想要忘記 Want to forget 如何忘記 How to forget 我可以 學著冷漠 學著狠心 學著忘記 I can learn to be indifferent, learn to be cruel, learn to forget 不讓人發現心裡面的傾盆大雨 Don't let people discover the pouring rain in my heart 曾一起哭過 笑過 痛過 夢過 We have cried, laughed, hurt, dreamed together 關於你所有一切 絕口不提 I don't want to even mention everything about you anymore 我如何 騙過內心 騙過眼淚 騙過自己 How did I fool my heart, my tears, and myself 誰說的愛過 就一定會留有印記 Whoever said love will definitely leave a mark 我們的愛情 若按下暫停 If our love needs to press pause 告訴我 可不可以 Tell me can it?
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