In the end, we are still separated,
Is love just a game.
“還是分離” 是 易自豪 於2020年7月發表的單曲。
易自豪,00後華語優秀原創音樂人。 出生於2001年4月15日四川省資陽市,現居成都。
演唱 Singer: 易自豪 Yi zihao
詞 Lyrics:王大輝 Wang Dahui
曲 Chorus:陳大創 Chen Da Chuang
編曲 Composer:吳泊瑋 Wu Bowei
等到回憶慢慢的散去 Wait until the memories slowly dissipate 要用到幾個世紀 It will take centuries 留在電話信箱的消息 Message left in the phone mailbox 確是分開最好的證明 Is indeed the best proof of separation 快樂傷心的點點滴滴 Happy and sad memories bit by bit 會不會永遠都藏在心裡 Will it stay in my heart forever 放不開 Can't let go 曾經深愛的你 I loved you 為了你改掉壞脾氣 For you I get rid of bad temper 最後的我們卻還是分離 In the end, we are still separated 愛情難道只是一場遊戲 Is love just a game 我在你心裡占了幾分之幾 I have only remain in your heart 就像是一道無解的數學題 It's like an unsolvable math problem 和你在一起用盡了力氣 I tried my best with you 你走的背影瀟灑又美麗 The way you walk away is cool and beautiful 而現在的我 一敗塗地 And now I am defeated 再美好的曾經 No matter how beautiful it was 只剩一句對不起 Is only sorry 等到回憶慢慢的散去 Wait until the memories slowly dissipate 要用到幾個世紀 It will take centuries 留在電話信箱的消息 Message left in the phone mailbox 確是分開最好的證明 Is indeed the best proof of separation 快樂傷心的點點滴滴 Happy and sad memories bit by bit 會不會永遠都藏在心裡 Will it stay in my heart forever 放不開 Can't let go 曾經深愛的你 I loved you 為了你改掉壞脾氣 For you I get rid of bad temper 最後的我們卻還是分離 In the end, we are still separated 愛情難道只是一場遊戲 Is love just a game 我在你心裡占了幾分之幾 I have only remain in your heart 就像是一道無解的數學題 It's like an unsolvable math problem 和你在一起用盡了力氣 I tried my best with you 你走的背影瀟灑又美麗 The way you walk away is cool and beautiful 而現在的我 一敗塗地 And now I am defeated 再美好的曾經 No matter how beautiful it was 只剩一句對不起 Is only sorry 最後的我們卻還是分離 In the end, we are still separated 愛情難道只是一場遊戲 Is love just a game 我在你心裡占了幾分之幾 I have only remain in your heart 就像是一道無解的數學題 It's like an unsolvable math problem 和你在一起用盡了力氣 I tried my best with you 你走的背影瀟灑又美麗 The way you walk away is cool and beautiful 而現在的我 一敗塗地 And now I am defeated 再美好的曾經 No matter how beautiful it was 只剩一句對不起 Is only sorry
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