Bloodsucker, famefucker.
Bleedin’ me dry like a goddamn vampire.
《 GUTS 》 是 Olivia Rodrigo 預計在2023年9月發表的第二張錄音室專輯。
“vampire” 是 Olivia Rodrigo 在2023年6月30日發表的單曲。
Olivia Rodrigo 表示這張專輯《 GUTS 》 是在寫她19歲這一年經歷過的一切。這一年對 Olivia Rodrigo 來說充滿了許多困惑、錯誤、尷尬和青少年的焦慮。
Produced By
Dan Nigro
Written By
Olivia Rodrigo & Dan Nigro
[Verse 1] Hate to give the satisfaction asking how you're doing now 我討厭為了滿足別人的要求,被問到你現在過得怎麼樣 How's the castle built off people you pretend to care about? 你通過虛偽的關心所建立起來的所有成就,感覺如何? Just what you wanted 這正是你想要的 Look at you, cool guy, you got it 看看你的樣子,灑脫的帥哥,你得到了你想要的 I see the parties and the diamonds sometimes when I close my eyes 有時當我閉上眼睛,我彷彿能看到眼前有無數的派對和華麗的奢侈品 Six months of torture you sold as some forbidden paradise 六個月的折磨,你把它當作某種禁忌天堂輕易的賣掉 I loved you truly 我真實的愛過你 You gotta laugh at the stupidity 你必須得大聲的嘲笑自己,曾經過於的愚蠢 [Chorus] 'Cause I've made some real big mistakes 因為我犯下大錯特錯的罪過 But you make the worst one look fine 但你讓最糟糕的錯,看起來並沒什麼大不了 I should've known it was strange 我早該知道這很奇怪 You only come out at night 你只會在晚上出門 I used to think I was smart 我曾經以為自己很聰明 But you made me look so naïve 但你卻讓我表現得太過天真 The way you sold me for parts 你把我當作零件般的拆賣 As you sunk your teeth into me, oh 當你把牙齒咬進我體內時,哦 Bloodsucker, famefucker 吸血動物,臭名昭著的人 Bleedin' me dry like a goddamn vampire 你就像個該死的吸血鬼一樣,將我榨乾 [Verse 2] And every girl I ever talked to told me you were bad, bad news 每個與我聊過天的女孩都告訴我,你就是個糟糕的,壞消息 You called them crazy, God, I hate the way I called them crazy too 你稱她們都瘋了,天啊,可能稱她們為瘋子的我才是真的瘋了 You're so convincing 是因為你太有說服力 How do you lie without flinching? (How do you lie? How do you lie? How do you lie?) 你怎麼能絲毫不心虛的撒著謊呢? Oh, what a mesmerizing, paralyzing, fucked up little thrill 哦,那是多麼令人著迷、令人麻痺、過於糟糕的刺激感 Can't figure out just how you do it and God knows I never will 我根本不會明白你是如何做到的,老天都清楚我會永遠的被蒙在鼓裡 Went for me and not her 這一切都是為我,而不是為她 'Cause girls your age know better 因為你這個年紀的女孩,更成熟更了解社會的險惡 [Chorus] I've made some real big mistakes 我犯下大錯特錯的罪過 But you make the worst one look fine 但你讓最糟糕的錯,看起來並沒什麼大不了 I should've known it was strange 我早該知道這很奇怪 You only come out at night 你只會在晚上出門 I used to think I was smart 我曾經以為自己很聰明 But you made me look so naïve 但你卻讓我表現得太過天真 The way you sold me for parts 你把我當作零件般的拆賣 As you sunk your teeth into me, oh 當你把牙齒咬進我體內時,哦 Bloodsucker, famefucker 吸血動物,臭名昭著的人 Bleedin' me dry like a goddamn vampire 你就像個該死的吸血鬼一樣,將我榨乾 [Bridge] (Ah) (啊) You said it was true love, but wouldn't that be hard? 你說這也曾是真愛,但真愛不是很難嗎? You can't love anyone 'cause that would mean you had a heart 你不會愛任何人,因為那意味著你有過真心 I tried to help you out, now I know that I can't 我曾試圖幫助你,但現在的我知道我根本無能為力 'Cause how you think's the kind of thing I'll never understand 因為你的想法,是我永遠無法去理解的 [Chorus] I've made some real big mistakes 我犯下大錯特錯的罪過 But you make the worst one look fine 但你讓最糟糕的錯,看起來並沒什麼大不了 I should've known it was strange 我早該知道這很奇怪 You only come out at night 你只會在晚上出門 I used to think I was smart 我曾經以為自己很聰明 But you made me look so naïve 但你卻讓我表現得太過天真 The way you sold me for parts 你把我當作零件般的拆賣 As you sunk your teeth into me, oh 當你把牙齒咬進我體內時,哦 Bloodsucker, famefucker 吸血動物,臭名昭著的人 Bleedin' me dry like a goddamn vampire 你就像個該死的吸血鬼一樣,將我榨乾
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