I know it’s wrong but there’s something about you.
No, I don’t want to stay here without you.
“13” 是 Lund 在2023年7月21日發表的單曲。
Produced By
Written By
[Intro] Most of the time I put on quite a face 大多數時候我都擺出一副很嚴肅的表情 And an act but I'm pretty depressed most of the time 這也是一種表演,但大多數的時候我都很沮喪 [Chorus] Gun to my head like I'm better off dead 像是用槍指著我的頭,好像我還不如死了算了 What I feel in my heart, try to smile instead 我內心的情緒起伏,我試著微笑面對 Days pass, burn the candle both ends 日子一天天過去,蠟燭兩頭燒,疲憊不堪 Though I smile through the pain, it’s getting harder to pretend 儘管我在痛苦中還微笑,卻越來越難去假裝 [Post-Chorus] Hollowed out, stomach sick, I still miss you 內心全被掏空,噁心的反胃,可我仍然很想念妳 Even after all the shit you put me through 即使在妳讓我經歷了那麼多遭心的事情之後 I know it's wrong but there's something about you 我知道這是錯的,但妳身上有一些東西深深吸引著我 No, I don't want to stay here without you 不,我不想留在沒有妳的地方 [Verse 1] Caught in between all the lies and deceit 夾在所有的謊言和欺騙之間 Questioning everything 質疑著一切 Love isn't all that it seems, I know now 愛情並不如看上去的那樣,我現在也明白了 Stress ring through my head, I can't sleep 壓力的警鈴在我腦海中響起,我無法入睡 I'm human, not a machine 我是人,不是機器 Is this what it's like losing everything? 這就是一無所有的感覺嗎? Caught in between living hell and a dream 夾在人間地獄和夢想之間 Tearing apart at the seams 在接縫處撕裂拉扯著 Praying to god but he won't hear me now 向上帝不停地祈禱,但祂現在聽不見我的聲音 Happiness just out of my reach 幸福是我遙不可及的憧憬 I think it's time that I leave 我想我是時候該離開了 One in the clip, I'mma let it sound 彈夾聲響,我要讓它聽起來像 [Chorus] Gun to my head like I'm better off dead 像是用槍指著我的頭,好像我還不如死了算了 What I feel in my heart, try to smile instead 我內心的情緒起伏,我試著微笑面對 Days pass, burn the candle both ends 日子一天天過去,蠟燭兩頭燒,疲憊不堪 Though I smile through the pain, it’s getting harder to pretend 儘管我在痛苦中還微笑,卻越來越難去假裝 [Post-Chorus] Hollowed out, stomach sick, I still miss you 內心全被掏空,噁心的反胃,可我仍然很想念妳 Even after all the shit you put me through 即使在妳讓我經歷了那麼多遭心的事情之後 I know it's wrong but there's something about you 我知道這是錯的,但妳身上有一些東西深深吸引著我 No, I don't want to stay here without you 不,我不想留在沒有妳的地方 [Verse 2] I should hate you but I'm missing you instead 我應該恨妳,但我卻特別的想念妳 'Cause when I say, "I love you", girl, I mean that shit till death 因為當我說 “我愛妳” 時,女孩,我的意思是我對妳至死不渝 My heart was skipping beats but ain’t no rhythm since you left 我的心在跳動,但自從妳離開後就沒有了節奏 My head is full of memories that I just can't forget 我的腦子裡充滿了,我無法忘記的回憶 So wrong how you treat me, girl, fucking with my head 妳錯誤的對待我,女孩,妳把我搞得一團糟 I'm done, playing games with love is something you'll regret 我受夠了,利用愛情玩遊戲,妳會後悔的 I'm crushed, gave you everything took it all and left 我崩潰了,我給了妳我的全部,妳帶走了所有,然後拍拍屁股離開 So long to the future we could've had 距離我們本可以擁有的未來還要多久 [Bridge] Blood on the concrete 混凝土上的血跡 Beauty in the violence 暴力中的美學 Lying through their teeth 'cause 他們滿嘴謊言,因為 There's poetry in fighting 帶有詩意的爭吵 Stronger than you think 比你想像的更強大 Know that we ain’t going silent 他們知道我們不會保持沉默 (Pain inside me adding fuel to the fire) (我內心的痛苦被火上澆油) [Chorus] Gun to my head like I'm better off dead 像是用槍指著我的頭,好像我還不如死了算了 What I feel in my heart, try to smile instead 我內心的情緒起伏,我試著微笑面對 Days pass, burn the candle both ends 日子一天天過去,蠟燭兩頭燒,疲憊不堪 Though I smile through the pain, it’s getting harder to pretend 儘管我在痛苦中還微笑,卻越來越難去假裝 [Post-Chorus] Hollowed out, stomach sick, I still miss you 內心全被掏空,噁心的反胃,可我仍然很想念妳 Even after all the shit you put me through 即使在妳讓我經歷了那麼多遭心的事情之後 I know it's wrong but there's something about you 我知道這是錯的,但妳身上有一些東西深深吸引著我 No, I don't want to stay here without you 不,我不想留在沒有妳的地方 [Outro] But um... my depression is um... 但是嗯...我的抑鬱症是... I think because of my empathy for humanity and... 我想是因為我對人類的同情心...... I'm afraid I'm much too emotional 我怕我太情緒化 Uh, to be an artist, really and um 呃,作為一名藝術家,真的,嗯 To be a really good one 想成為一個真正優秀的人
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