Isn’t life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful.
《 Come Over When You’re Sober, Pt. 2 》 發行於2018年11月。是 Lil Peep 第一張錄音室專輯的第二部分。
“Life is Beautiful” 是 Lil Peep 重新修改編輯後發布的歌曲。原本的歌曲是 Lil Peep 在2015年發表的 EP《 feelz 》中的 “life”。在這首歌中,Lil Peep 通過提及我們生活中許多消極的事物,然後諷刺地說那些東西是 “美麗的”。
“Life is Beautiful” 和 “life” 是兩種不同感覺的歌曲,不知道大家更喜歡哪種? “Life is Beautiful” 是 Lil Peep 歌曲中我最喜歡的一首歌。有的時候情緒比較 emo 時都會聽一下,提醒自己,其實人生真的還是比較美麗的。歌曲中確實有很多比較喪的生活寫照,但就是因為這樣,和他們比起來我還是幸運的,所以更應該好好珍惜每一天。
Written By
IIVI, Smokeasac & Lil Peep
[Verse 1] I know that it hurts sometimes, but it's beautiful 我知道生活有時會很痛,但它也很美麗 Working every day, now you're bleeding through your cuticles 每天都在工作,現在你透過皮膚滲出正在流血 Passing through a portal as you're sittin' in your cubicle 穿過一扇傳送門,就好像你坐在你的隔間裡 Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful 生活不是很美好嗎?我覺得生活真的很美好 Tryin' to keep your cool at your grandfather's funeral 試著在你祖父的葬禮上保持冷靜 Finding out eventually the feeling wasn't mutual 最終會發現,這種感覺不是相互的 You were not invited 'cause you're nothing like the usual 你沒有被邀請,是因為你和往常表現得不一樣 Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful 生活不是很美好嗎?我覺得生活真的很美好 You wanna see your friends, but you're stuck inside a hospital 你想見見你的朋友,但你卻被困在醫院裡 Doctor walks in and he tells you that it's terminal 醫生走進來,告訴你這就是終點站 Tumor in your brain and they're sayin' it's inoperable 你腦子里長了腫瘤,他們說沒辦法動手術 Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful 生活不是很美好嗎?我覺得生活真的很美好 They'll kill your little brother and they'll tell you he's a criminal 他們會殺了你的弟弟,他們還會告訴你,他就是個罪犯 They'll fucking kill you too, so you better not get physical 他們也會殺了你,所以你最好別亂動 Welcome to America, the type of shit is typical 歡迎來到美國,這種典型的破事,只是日常生活的一部分 Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful 生活不是很美好嗎?我覺得生活真的很美好 [Verse 2] Wake up in the morning, now you doing the impossible 早上醒來,現在的你在做著不可能的事情 Find out what's important, now you're feeling philosophical 想找出什麼是重要的,現在你感覺自己很哲學 When I die, I'll pack my bags, move somewhere more affordable 當我死後,我會收拾行囊,搬到更便宜的地方去住 Isn't life horrible? I think that life is horrible 生活不可怕嗎? 我覺得生活真的很可怕 You think she's adorable, she thinks that you're intolerable 你覺得她很可愛,她卻覺得你不可容忍 You think you can do it, but your chances are improbable 你認為你能做得到,但你的機會卻不大 Once you feel unstoppable, you run into an obstacle 一旦你感到勢不可擋,你就會遇到障礙 Isn't life comical? I think that life is comical 生活是不是很滑稽? 我覺得生活真的很滑稽 [Verse 3] And if you ever need a friend then you got me 如果你需要一個朋友,然後你會得到一個我 And in the end, when I die, would you watch me? 最後,當我死的時候,你會看著我嗎? And if I try suicide, would you stop me? 如果我想自殺,你會阻止我嗎? Would you help me get a grip or would you drop me? 你會幫我一起握著槍不放,還是會讓我放下? Run away, make friends with the moon 想逃跑,去和月亮做朋友 Why you trippin'? You'll be with your friends soon 你為什麼會被絆倒? 你很快就會和你的朋友在一起 There comes a time when everybody meets the same fate 總有一天,每個人都會遇到同樣的命運 I think I'ma die alone inside my room 我想我會獨自死在我的房間裡 [Outro] Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful 生活不是很美好嗎?我覺得生活真的很美好 Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful 生活不是很美好嗎?我覺得生活真的很美好 Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful 生活不是很美好嗎?我覺得生活真的很美好 Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful 生活不是很美好嗎?我覺得生活真的很美好
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