Who am I, Who am I, good question.
You decide, wouldn’t mind, suggestions.
“Who Am I?” 是 Kode 在2023年7月27日發表的單曲。
I always feel like I'm supposed to be someone anyone but me 我總覺得我應該成為任何的可能性,而不是現在的我 I live in this life where I try to find comfort doing what they seek 我生活在這樣的生活中,我試圖通過他們給予我的安排,尋求一絲安慰 I’m finding myself in this endless loop called what would they think 我發現自己陷入了一個,名為 “他們會怎麼想” 的無限循環中 I started caring less for the things I want and the things I need 我開始不在乎自己想要什麼,和需要什麼 Who am I, Who am I, good question 我是誰,我到底是誰,這是個好問題 You decide, wouldn't mind, suggestions 你決定,我不介意,你提個建議 How do I find the right direction 我該如何找到正確的方向 Who am I, Who am I- Yeah 我是誰,我到底是誰——是的 Who am I, Who am I, good question 我是誰,我到底是誰,這是個好問題 You decide, I wouldn't mind, suggestions 你決定,我不介意,你提個建議 How do I find the right direction 我該如何找到正確的方向 Live a Lie, Truth is your perception 生活在謊言之中,真相是你的洞察力 What can I do that will make me look like I’m admired 我該怎麼做才能讓我看起來受人欽佩 Maybе I don't deserve to takе a step in no shoes 也許我不值得赤著腳大膽邁出這一步 How I'm already feeling so tired 我怎麼已經感覺好累 By the way, by the way I'm feeling 順便一提,順便說一句,我感覺 I can say, I don't have a say in my dealings 我可以說,我對自己的決定沒有任何發言權 Really ay how my brain is stealing 真的,是我的大腦在阻止我 Be a way from getting past this ceiling 不讓我突破自己的各種可能性 I always feel like I'm supposed to be someone anyone but me 我總覺得我應該成為任何的可能性,而不是現在的我 I live in this life where I try to find comfort doing what they seek 我生活在這樣的生活中,我試圖通過他們給予我的安排,尋求一絲安慰 I’m finding myself in this endless loop called what would they think 我發現自己陷入了一個,名為 “他們會怎麼想” 的無限循環中 I started caring less for the things I want and the things I need 我開始不在乎自己想要什麼,和需要什麼 Who am I, Who am I, good question 我是誰,我到底是誰,這是個好問題 You decide, wouldn't mind, suggestions 你決定,我不介意,你提個建議 How do I find the right direction 我該如何找到正確的方向 Who am I, Who am I- Yeah 我是誰,我到底是誰——是的 Who am I, Who am I, good question 我是誰,我到底是誰,這是個好問題 You decide, I wouldn't mind, suggestions 你決定,我不介意,你提個建議 How do I find the right direction 我該如何找到正確的方向 Live a Lie, Truth is your perception 生活在謊言之中,真相是你的洞察力 I don’t really know what Kode want 我真的不知道 Kode 想要什麼 Asked myself and had no Luck 我問問我自己,卻沒有那個運氣 Feel like I'm trapped in hell with the cobras 我感覺我和眼鏡蛇一起被困在地獄裡 Imma need massive help from Jehovah, Cause 我需要耶穌的大力幫助,因為 Lately I feel my decisions they need 最近,我覺得他們需要我趕緊做決定 Body keep movin my brain is asleep 身體不斷轉動,我的大腦卻昏昏欲睡 Slumped up but cruising it’s taking the lead 癱倒在地,但不妨礙給出指令 And followin orders not coming from me (comin from me) 並遵循那些,不是來自我的命令 I wish I could see my brain 我希望能看清自己腦袋裡裝的所有思緒 Cut it into pieces and be my pain 把那些痛苦切成碎片,成為我的助力 I just wanna leave my cage 我只想離開關著我的牢籠 Finally start believin all the things I think 終於,我開始相信我所想去做的一切 Cause I can’t even tell , I just need some help 因為我甚至不知道該如傾訴,我只是需要一些幫助 I don't even know myself, noooo 我甚至不認識我自己,不 Who am I, Who am I, good question 我是誰,我到底是誰,這是個好問題 You decide, wouldn't mind, suggestions 你決定,我不介意,你提個建議 How do I find the right direction 我該如何找到正確的方向 Who am I, Who am I- Yeah 我是誰,我到底是誰——是的 Who am I, Who am I, good question 我是誰,我到底是誰,這是個好問題 You decide, I wouldn't mind, suggestions 你決定,我不介意,你提個建議 How do I find the right direction 我該如何找到正確的方向 Live a Lie, Truth is your perception 生活在謊言之中,真相是你的洞察力
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