Was it an act to love me or an act to hate me?
《 Crisis / Secret / Set Me Free 》 是美國演員兼歌手 Joshua Bassett 的第二張EP,發行於2021年12月3日,也是他為即將到來的出道專輯做的熱身。
Joshua T. Bassett,2000 年 12 月 22 日出生,是美國歌手、舞者和演員。他出生於 Oceanside, California。從七歲開始,Joshua 已經在三十多部音樂劇作品中演出,並出演了許多廣告和短片。他目前在迪士尼+原創系列 High School Musical: The Musical: The Series 中飾演Ricky Bowen。 2020 年 3 月 27 日,華納唱片正式宣布 Joshua Bassett 與他們簽署了唱片協議。在宣布這一消息後,Joshua Bassett於 2020 年 4 月 3 日發行了他的首張單曲,名為 “Common Sense”。他的同名 EP《Joshua Bassett 》的第三首單曲 “Lie Lie Lie” 最為受歡迎,因為有傳言說這首歌是關於他在 High School Musical 中與聯合主演,也是他所謂的前女友 Olivia Rodrigo 有關。
2021年1月8日,Olivia Rodrigo 與製片人 Dan Nigro 共同創作並發行自己的首張單曲 “Drivers License”。在發行一周內,”Drivers License” 就打破了Spotify的非節假日歌曲每日錄製量的兩倍記錄:1月11日,Olivia Rodrigo 的歌曲在Spotify上的全球播放量超過1570萬,她在第二天就超過了全球共有1700萬首歌曲。Olivia Rodrigo 開始被稱為怪物新人,她也是第64屆Grammy Award(葛萊美獎)提名的最佳新人。而同時 Joshua Bassett 成了 “Drivers License” 歌曲中的誹聞男主角被推上了風口浪尖。
《 Crisis / Secret / Set Me Free 》 這張EP也算是 Joshua Bassett 在回應他和前女友 Olivia Rodrigo 之間的關係和對他的指控。
Written By
Mikey Reaves, Derrick Southerland & Joshua Bassett
[Verse 1] My label said to never waste a crisis 我的音樂廠牌告訴我說永遠不要白白浪費掉一場風波的到來 And here I am, guitar in my hand, in the middle of one, hmm 而我現在在這裡,手裡拿著吉他,站在正中間,嗯 And, honestly, I didn't wanna write this 而且,老實說,我並不想寫關於這場風波的故事 Don't know if I can, still holdin' back, still wanna run 因為我不知道我還能不能,撐住不回頭,還是依舊想逃跑 [Pre-Chorus] And if you get to tell your truth, then so do I 如果妳想用妳的角度去訴說,那我也一樣 And it's cool if you want me to play the bad guy 如果妳想讓我扮演壞人,那也沒關係 [Chorus] But don't you dare act like I didn't love you 但妳敢表現得像是我不愛妳一樣嗎? Don't go thinkin' that I didn't hurt, too 不要以為我沒有受傷 Don't you ever wonder if I'm okay after all you put me through? 難道妳不想知道在妳讓我經歷了這麼多之後,我是否還好嗎? Half the shit you're saying's only half-true 妳說的那些廢話只有一半是真的 Messin' with my life as a career move 玩弄我的生活當作妳職業的跳板 I can't help but wonder why you won't make it end 我不禁想知道妳為什麼不讓它結束 Guess you would never dare 我猜妳永遠都不敢 You would never dare to waste a crisis 我猜妳永遠都不敢白白去浪費這樣一場成名的機會 [Verse 2] My mama callеd 'cause she heard I got dеath threats 我的媽媽打來了電話,因為她聽說我收到了死亡威脅 Oh, what the hell am I supposed to do with that? 哦,妳這讓我該怎麼去回應? Oh, I wish that I could open my eyes and the nightmare'd be over 哦,我希望我能睜開眼睛,噩夢就結束了 But you sensationalize, keep fannin' the fire for the headlines 但妳聳人聽聞,繼續煽動頭條新聞 [Chorus] But don't you dare act like I didn't love you 但妳敢表現得像是我不愛妳一樣嗎? Don't go thinkin' that I didn't hurt, too 不要以為我沒有受傷 Don't you ever wonder if I'm okay after all you put me through? 難道妳不想知道在妳讓我經歷了這麼多之後,我是否還好嗎? Half the shit you're saying's only half-true 妳說的那些廢話只有一半是真的 Messin' with my life as a career move 玩弄我的生活當作妳職業的跳板 I can't help but wonder why you won't make it end 我不禁想知道妳為什麼不讓它結束 Guess you would never dare 我猜妳永遠都不敢 You would never dare to waste a crisis 我猜妳永遠都不敢白白去浪費這樣一場成名的機會 [Bridge] Weren't you the one who left in the first place? 當初說要離開的不是妳嗎? Weren't you the one who called things off? 當初說要停止這段關係的不是妳嗎? Was it an act to love me or an act to hate me? 這是妳愛我的行為還是恨我的方式? [Chorus] But don't you dare act like I didn't love you 但妳敢表現得像是我不愛妳一樣嗎? Don't go thinkin' that I didn't hurt, too 不要以為我沒有受傷 Don't you ever wonder if I'm okay after all you put me through? 難道妳不想知道在妳讓我經歷了這麼多之後,我是否還好嗎? Half the shit you're saying's only half-true 妳說的那些廢話只有一半是真的 Messin' with my life as a career move 玩弄我的生活當作妳職業的跳板 I can't help but wonder why you won't make it end 我不禁想知道妳為什麼不讓它結束 Guess you would never dare 我猜妳永遠都不敢 You would never dare to waste a crisis 我猜妳永遠都不敢白白去浪費這樣一場成名的機會
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