Only you give me the wings to fly.
《 Bitter Sweet Love 》 是 James Arthur 在2024年1月26日發表的第五張錄音室專輯。
Produced By
Steve Solomon
Written By
James Arthur, Jamie Graham & Steve Solomon
[Chorus] Maybe I'm free-falling 也許是我在急速的下墜 Maybe I'm out of time 也許我剩下的時間不多了 Tell me I'm worth something 告訴我,我是值得的 Maybe they're right about me 也許他們對我的看法是正確的 Maybe I've lost my mind 也許我已經失去了理智 Only you give me the wings to fly 只有你能給予我翅膀去自由飛翔 Why don't you save me from myself tonight? 為什麼不將我從自己的魔爪中拯救出來 [Verse] You know Jenny down the road's got a new love 你知道隔壁的珍妮有了新歡 And Jimmy got the job like you said he would 而吉米如你所說的,得到了新工作 Let's see how long it lasts 'cause we know what they're like 讓我們看看他們能堅持多久,因為我們都很清楚他們是什麼樣的人 I'm falling through the cracks as I watch the world go by 當我看著世界流逝時,我正從世界的裂縫中墜落 With my head against the glass like a jealous guy 我的頭靠在玻璃上,像個憤世嫉俗的人 [Chorus] Maybe I'm free-falling 也許是我在急速的下墜 Maybe I'm out of time 也許我剩下的時間不多了 Tell me I'm worth something 告訴我,我是值得的 Maybe they're right about me 也許他們對我的看法是正確的 Maybe I've lost my mind 也許我已經失去了理智 Only you give me the wings to fly 只有你能給予我翅膀去自由飛翔 Why don't you save me from myself tonight? 為什麼不將我從自己的魔爪中拯救出來 Why don't you save me from myself tonight? 為什麼不將我從自己的魔爪中拯救出來 [Chorus] Maybe I'm free-falling 也許是我在急速的下墜 Maybe I'm out of time 也許我剩下的時間不多了 Tell me I'm worth something 告訴我,我是值得的 Maybe they're right about me 也許他們對我的看法是正確的 Maybe I've lost my vice 也許我已經失去了所有惡習 Only you give me the wings to fly 只有你能給予我翅膀去自由飛翔 Why don't you save me from myself tonight? 為什麼不將我從自己的魔爪中拯救出來
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