Smoke and mirrors and showbiz.
It’s all fake, but it’s true.
《 MAGIC MAN 》 是 Jackson Wang (王嘉爾) 在2022年9月9日發表的專輯,共十首歌曲。
“Champagne Cool” 是專輯中的第三首曲目。歌詞中提到的香檳,我認為可以有兩種意思,第一種是指,只要他像香檳一直保持在最佳的狀態,就也不必太在乎周遭雜亂的聲音。第二種是指,雖然周遭的環境很複雜,但他對自己很有自信,他隨時都能拿起一瓶溫度最佳的香檳來慶祝。
之前看王嘉爾採訪中提到這張專輯,他希望《 MAGIC MAN 》能將自己回歸最初的初心,希望呈現給大家的是他最真實的自己,只做他想做的,而不是為了工作,為了賺錢而不停的轉動。
Produced By
Written By
Cambo, Jack Samson, Jackson Wang (王嘉爾), Louis Bartolini & Patrick “J. Que” Smith
[Verse 1] Fame 名聲 I swear it's just a game we play 我發誓,這只是一場我們隨便玩玩的遊戲 It's candy crush without the taste 這就像 candy crush (糖果傳奇,寶石方塊遊戲),只是少了點趣味 But it's enough to make you chase 但足以讓你奮力去追逐 [Chorus] Somebody beat me to the punch 有人重重打了我一拳 And it's more than just a hunch 而這不僅僅只是一種預感 Notre dame 就像是巴黎圣母院 It might all go up in flames 一切都可能只是火上澆油 But they won't 但他們不會 Forget your name 忘記你的名字 It's by design 這都是精心設計好的 [Post-Chorus] Every door has to open 每扇門都必須打開 When you're champagne cool 當你像香檳一樣,保持最佳狀態 Spread it out hundred thousand 撒起數千萬張的鈔票 I do what I want to do 我做我想做的事情 Smoke and mirrors and showbiz 硝煙四起,四周都是鏡子,這就是娛樂圈 It's all fake, but it's true 一切都是假的,但也特別的真 I take my troubles 我把我所有的煩惱 With my bubbles and I keep my 都化為泡沫,而我會一直保持我的 Champagne cool 保持我的香檳,處再最佳狀態 [Verse 2] I know it drives you mad 我知道這會讓你發瘋 Cause I got a checkered past 因為我有一段曲折的過去 Don't ask, and I won't tell 別問,因為我也不會說 I know her and all her friends 我認識她,和她所有的朋友 But don't ask them any questions 但不要去問他們任何問題 Don't ask cause they won't tell 不要問,因為他們也不會說 [Chorus] Somebody beat me to the punch 有人重重打了我一拳 And it's more than just a hunch 而這不僅僅只是一種預感 Notre dame 就像是巴黎圣母院 It might all go up in flames 一切都可能只是火上澆油 But they won't 但他們不會 Forget your name 忘記你的名字 It's by design 這都是精心設計好的 [Post-Chorus] Every door has to open 每扇門都必須打開 When you're champagne cool 當你像香檳一樣,保持最佳狀態 Spread it out hundred thousand 撒起數千萬張的鈔票 I do what I want to do 我做我想做的事情 Smoke and mirrors and showbiz 硝煙四起,四周都是鏡子,這就是娛樂圈 It's all fake, but it's true 一切都是假的,但也特別的真 I take my troubles 我把我所有的煩惱 With my bubbles and I keep my 都化為泡沫,而我會一直保持我的 Champagne cool 保持我的香檳,處再最佳狀態
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