Every night I’m hanging on by a thread.
I’ll never heal it, my dying spirit.
《 Palladium 》 是 Greyson Chance 在2022年9月22日發表的專輯,共收錄13首歌曲。
“My Dying Spirit” 這首歌主要是在講述 Greyson Chance 自成名以來所經歷的各種麻煩,和他所感受到的痛苦。
Produced By
Martin Wave
Written By
Greyson Chance & Martin Wave
[Verse 1] I'm barely on my feet, mama 我幾乎站不起來,媽媽 Barely holding on by a thread 只能用盡最後一絲力氣,勉強撐住 Every night I lose a different friend 每晚我都會失去一個不一樣的朋友 Thought I had it how I wanted 我以為我得到了我最想要的 Far away as I could ever dream 而我卻像是離我的夢很遙遠 I don't think California's my speed 我不認為加州是適合我的地方 [Pre-Chorus] All on my own 只能全靠我自己 All I know 是我所知的一切 [Chorus] If I'm high like those other guys you've kissed 如果我像你親吻過的其他人一樣極為抗奮 Maybe I'll find you in my bed again 也許我會再次在我的床上看到你 But I'm all alone, living on the edge 但我孤身一人,生活在崩潰邊緣 I'm right at the limit 我正處在自己的極限 Will I ever heal my dying spirit 我真的能治愈我垂死的靈魂嗎 [Verse 2] I'm hanging on needless hunger 我正在忍受不必要的飢餓 Keeps the tears out the devil's eyes 試著擋住惡魔眼中的淚水 I don't eat because he tells me that it's fine 我不吃任何東西,因為他告訴我,都會沒事的 Barely even standing now 現在的我幾乎站不起來 Goddamn I need another round 該死的,我需要再來一輪 I can hear my name out in the crowd, yeah, yeah 我能在人群中聽到我的名字,是的,是的 [Chorus] If I'm high like those other guys you've kissed 如果我像你親吻過的其他人一樣極為抗奮 Maybe I'll find you in my bed again 也許我會再次在我的床上看到你 But I'm all alone, living on the edge 但我孤身一人,生活在崩潰邊緣 I'm right at the limit 我正處在自己的極限 Will I ever heal my dying spirit 我真的能治愈我垂死的靈魂嗎 [Bridge] If I was a hotel lobby, you'd be mighty fucking sorry to be staying at this piece of shit right off highway 9 如果我是酒店大堂,你會非常後悔,住在這屎一般的 9 號高速公路旁 I'm on the floor of my kitchen on a vaporizer mission 我在廚房的地板上,吞雲吐霧 Find a little calm 試著想找到一點平靜 Please ease my mind 拜託,請讓我冷靜下來 I'm so sorry Alex, I won't make her graduation 我很抱歉 Alex,我沒法去參加她的畢業典禮 But tell Sloaney girl she’s the apple of my eye 但告訴 Sloaney,她是我的珍寶 Tell her, take your time 告訴她,慢慢來 Take your time 慢慢來 Take your 用你所需要的時間 Take your 用你所需要的時間 Take your time 慢慢來 I get high 我會變得高 [Outro] Yeah, oh baby, yeah 是的,哦,寶貝,是的 Every night I'm hanging on by a thread 每個夜晚,我都像是命懸一線 Yeah, oh baby, yeah 是的,哦,寶貝,是的 I'll never heal it, my dying spirit 我永遠都無法治愈它,我那垂死的靈魂
Connect Greyson Chance: https://www.facebook.com/GreysonChance/ https://www.instagram.com/greysonchance/ https://twitter.com/greysonchance https://www.tiktok.com/@greyson_chance
好快就翻譯了 好厲害><