But when you said you loved me
You must have had your fingers crossed.
“fingers crossed” 是 elijah woods 在2022年2月13日推出的單曲,也是他即將推出的 EP 《 everyone else’s love songs 》中第一首釋出的歌曲。
Lauren Spencer-Smith 在2022年1月的時候為自己新的EP釋出一首歌名為 “Fingers Crossed“ 的歌,是在敘述她和她前任的感情。而 elijah woods 的 ”fingers crossed” 算是呼應了 Lauren Spencer-Smith 的歌曲。
Written By
Lauren Spencer-Smith, T.I Jakke, Fransisca Hall & elijah woods
[Verse 1] I think it was the fourth of that July 我想是七月四日的那天 I remember looking in each other's eyes 我記得我們看著彼此的眼睛 Watching as the spark was fading 看著火花逐漸消逝 But neither one could say it 但是誰也說不出話來 Ironically we laughed until we cried 諷刺的是,我們一直笑到哭 The sun came up and then it got so quiet 太陽升起,然後週遭變得如此安靜 I knew the end was getting closer 我知道結局越來越近了 I thought we would grow old, yeah 我以為我們會一起變老,是的 [Chorus] But you 但是你 Will always have my heart, it's nothing new 會永遠擁有我的心,這不是什麼新鮮事 Whenever I'm alone I try to look through our old photographs 每當我一個人的時候,我都會試著翻看我們的舊照片 Remember when we used to laugh 記得我們曾經笑過 But I don't recognize us anymore 但我不再也認出從前的我們 My momma told me 我媽媽告訴我 If you love someone you've got to set them free 如果你愛一個人,你必須讓他們自由 But I guess that you're not coming back 但我猜你不會再回來 I thought that we could beat the odds 我以為我們可以戰勝困難 And try to fix all of our flaws 並嘗試修復我們所有的缺陷 But when you said you loved me 但是當你說你愛我時 Oh you must have had your fingers crossed 哦,你一定是用你的食指交叉,撒了謊 [Verse 2] The time goes by the scars no longer show 時光荏苒,那些傷痕不再顯露 But underneath it all there's still this hole 但在這一切遮蓋之下,仍然有著洞 Filled up with my second guesses 我的懷疑得到了證明 But I guess I've learned a lesson 但我想我已經吸取了教訓 That people in your life will come and go 你生命中的人會來來去去 But from the ashes something beautiful will grow 但從灰燼中,是會長出美麗的東西 'Cause I'm happier than ever lately 因為我最近比以往任何時候都快樂 I'm thankful for all you gave me 我感謝你給我的一切 [Chorus] Oh you 哦你 Will always have my heart, it's nothing new 會永遠擁有我的心,這不是什麼新鮮事 Whenever I'm alone I try to look through our old photographs 每當我一個人的時候,我都會試著翻看我們的舊照片 Remember when we used to laugh 記得我們曾經笑過 But I don't recognize us anymore 但我不再也認出從前的我們 My momma told me 我媽媽告訴我 If you love someone you've got to set them free 如果你愛一個人,你必須讓他們自由 But I guess that you're not coming back 但我猜你不會再回來 I thought that we could beat the odds 我以為我們可以戰勝困難 And try to fix all of our flaws 並嘗試修復我們所有的缺陷 But when you said you loved me 但是當你說你愛我時 Oh you must have had your fingers crossed 哦,你一定是用你的食指交叉,撒了謊 [Outro] Ah ou, ah ou, ah ou 哦,哦,哦 Must have had your 一定要有你的 Ah ou, ou ah 哦,哦 When you said you loved me 當你說你愛我時 Must have had your fingers crossed 你一定是用你的食指交叉,撒了謊
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