Over and over
eaJ 也叫 Jae 或 Je-hyung(朴再興)。 他是JYPE旗下KPOP樂隊DAY6的歌手/吉他手。
他出生於阿根廷的布宜諾斯艾利斯,在加利福尼亞的長灘長大,目前居住在韓國。 在加入DAY6之前,他是歌唱比賽《 K-pop Star》第一季的最後六個決賽入圍者之一。
Film by : John Lee Written by: eaJ Arranged by: 220, Jango Mixed by : 220 Mastered by: Nam Woo Kwon Digital Editing: Jango
LYRICS: Loving you's just getting harder and harder to do 愛你這件事,真的越來越有難度 Cause my head says no but my phone keeps calling you 因為我的頭腦清楚的告訴我說不,但我總是忍不住用手機打給你 And you never pick up unless you’ve got nothing to do 你不會接起我的電話,除非你真的沒有別的事情能做 But you say that you want me 但是你告訴我說你想要我 Much as I want you 就像我也想要你一樣 Over and over 一遍又一遍 Like it's Red rover 就像遊戲一樣不段重複,直到你喊停 Will your games ever be through 你的遊戲會有通關的時候嗎 Play me over and over 一遍又一遍的玩弄我 Pacman and lover 吃豆人和愛人一樣 Hoping you run out of quarters soon 我希望你可以耗盡你所有的硬幣 Don't hurt me 這樣你就不會傷害我 Leave me 不會離開我 No I don't mean that 不,那不是我的本意 Love me all the way to death 愛著我到死 Oh it's killing me how 哦,這像是在殺害我 Fear is holding me down 恐懼使我沮喪 But I wanna hold you 但我只想抱著你 Oh I might burn to the ground 哦,我可能要燃燒至灰燼 But see me burn with a smile 但至少你會看見我快樂的燃燒 If I die it's with you 即使我死了那也是在和你一起
Follow eaJ: http://twitter.com/Jae_Day6 http://instagram.com/eajpark http://soundcloud.com/eajpark