But I do know one thing though.
Women, they come they go.
《 Dark Lane Demo Tapes 》 是 Drake 在2020年5月1日發表的第五張 Mixtape,共收錄14首歌曲。
“Chicago Freestyle” 是 Drake 和 R&B 歌手 GIVĒON 一起巡演時創作的歌曲。因為每去一個城市他們就會試著製作一段 freestyle,因此這首歌被稱為 “Chicago Freestyle”。
而這首 “Chicago Freestyle” 在上線一周內就迅速拿下 Billboard Hot 100 排名第14名。
Produced By
Noel Cadastre & Sevn Thomas
Written By
Drake, GIVĒON, Noel Cadastre, Sevn Thomas, Eminem, Jeff Bass & Steve King
*The Bean: Cloud Gate,也被俗稱為 “The Chicago Bean” (芝加哥豆) 而聞名。是由印裔英國雕塑家 Anish Kapoor 設計的公共藝術雕塑,於 2004 年在芝加哥千禧公園首次亮相。該雕塑已成為芝加哥的標誌性建築,也是該市最受歡迎的旅遊景點之一。
*The Windy City: 芝加哥的綽號,“風城”。其一是因為芝加哥因來自密歇根湖的風而導致的寒冷氣溫,長年風大。但這個名字實際上是在 1800 年代衍生出來的,當時描述芝加哥市的政客們吹著 “hot air”,比喻他們總是吐出很多東西,卻沒有任何實質內容。
*30℉: 華氏三十度,約攝氏-1度 (-1℃)。
[Chorus: Giveon] Two-thirty, baby, won't you meet me by The Bean? 已經下午兩點半,寶貝,不是說好的,妳會在豆子雕塑旁和我見面嗎? Too early, maybe later you can show me things 現在還太早,也許等到晚一點,妳可以向我展示一些私密的東西 You know what it is whenever I visit 妳知道嗎,每次當我來拜訪這座城 Windy city, she blowin' me kisses, no 在這座風城, 她會吹風,會親吻我,不 Thirty degrees, way too cold, so hold me tight 30℉,這天太冷了,所以把我抱緊點 Will I see you at the show tonight? 所以我會在今晚的演出中,見到妳嗎? Will I see you at the show tonight? 所以我會在今晚的演出中,見到妳嗎? [Verse 1: Drake] Ayy, truck to the plane to the truck 哎呀,從豪車到飛機在到豪車上 Truck to the hotel lobby 從豪車上再到酒店大堂 Me, I go through underground garages 我,我穿過地下車庫 Presidential suite on deposit 付了總統套房的押金 Elevator up to the room 坐著電梯直達房間 Shower up and then we hit the club 洗個澡,然後我們去到俱樂部 Touch down, gotta see what's up 下來看看是怎麼回事 Area code in my phone 我手機裡的區號 What numbers do I still have? 我還有誰的號碼? Who do I know from the past? 我過去還認識了誰? Hit one, she say she got a man 撥通號碼,她說她有男人了 Hit another one, it goes green 再打一個,對方換了手機號 Must've changed phones on the team 我必須換掉團隊中的電話 'Member when you let me in between 讓我陷入兩難的情況 That was 2017 那還得回到 2017年 All good, Chubbs will look around 很好,Chubbs (Drake的保鑣) 會環顧四周 Find one that seem my type 找到一個似乎是我的理想型 That my dawg and he know what I like 他會知道我喜歡什麼 He done found me plenty in my life 他確實在我的生活中,為我找到了很多 Problem is, I meet a girl tonight 問題是,我今晚遇到一個女孩 Then I go and treat her too nice 然後我上前,去對她好 Galleria credit card swipes 在 Galleria (高級商場) 刷著我的信用卡 I don't even know if she a wife 我甚至不知道她是不是別人的妻子 [Pre-Chorus: Drake] But I do know one thing though 但我確實知道一件事 Women, they come they go 女人,她們來了又走 Saturday through Sunday, Monday 週六到週日,週一 Monday through Sunday, yo 週一到週日,喲 Maybe I'll love you one day 也許有一天我會愛妳 Maybe we'll someday grow 也許有一天我們都會成長 'Til then, I'll sit my drunk ass on that runway 但在那之前,我會坐在那條跑道上醉醺醺的 On this one way 在這一路上,瀟灑的走 [Chorus: Giveon] Two-thirty, baby, won't you meet me by The Bean? 已經下午兩點半,寶貝,不是說好的,妳會在豆子雕塑旁和我見面嗎? Too early, maybe later you can show me things 現在還太早,也許等到晚一點,妳可以向我展示一些私密的東西 You know what it is whenever I visit 妳知道嗎,每次當我來拜訪這座城 Windy city, she blowin' me kisses, no 在這座風城, 她會吹風,會親吻我,不 Thirty degrees, way too cold, so hold me tight 30℉,這天太冷了,所以把我抱緊點 Will I see you at the show tonight? 所以我會在今晚的演出中,見到妳嗎? Will I see you at the show tonight? 所以我會在今晚的演出中,見到妳嗎? [Verse 2: Drake] Jewelry in the safe on arrival 保險箱內的珠寶,平安抵達 Pistol on J for survival 身上帶著手槍是為了生存 Lot of people gunnin' for the title 很多人都在爭奪這個稱號 Lot of people tryna take us viral 很多人想盡辦法,想把我們弄走 I'm just tryin' to have a nice night though 我不過只是想度過一個愉快的夜晚 Waiter brought the check for the meal 服務員拿來了帳單 She said, "Babe, I think there was a typo" 她說:“寶貝,我覺得這帳單出了錯” Nah, girl, I got it, that's light though 不,女孩,我明白,不過這不是大問題 I could show you bigger things than that 我可以向你展示,比這更厲害的東西 It's gon' be a minute 'til I'm back 等我一分鐘,我很就回來 Let me give you images that last 讓我給妳看看最後的想像 AMEX had a limit in the past AMEX 過去會限制消費 I had plenty women in the past 我的過去也有著很多女人 I done plenty sinnin' in the past 我在過去也犯了很多罪 You don't need to know, but you can ask 妳不需要知道,但妳可以問 Stickin' on your backstage pass 拿好妳的後台通行證 All access 'cause you bad 妳可以隨意進出訪問,因為妳壞得特別 You could go wherever with that ass 妳可以帶著那個屁股去任何地方 Show to the shower to the truck 從演出到我的淋浴間,在到豪車 Truck to the club for the party 從豪車去到俱樂部參加聚會 You go in first with your girls 妳可以和妳的女朋友們先進去 'Cause I don't know who's out there watchin' 因為我不知道誰會在外面看著 [Pre-Chorus: Drake] But I do know one thing though 但我確實知道一件事 Women, they come they go 女人,她們來了又走 Saturday through Sunday, Monday 週六到週日,週一 Monday through Sunday, yo 週一到週日,喲 Maybe I'll love you one day 也許有一天我會愛妳 Maybe we'll someday grow 也許有一天我們都會成長 'Til then, I'll sit my drunk ass on that runway 但在那之前,我會坐在那條跑道上醉醺醺的 On this one way 在這一路上,瀟灑的走 [Chorus: Giveon] Two-thirty, baby, won't you meet me by The Bean? 已經下午兩點半,寶貝,不是說好的,妳會在豆子雕塑旁和我見面嗎? Too early, maybe later you can show me things 現在還太早,也許等到晚一點,妳可以向我展示一些私密的東西 You know what it is whenever I visit 妳知道嗎,每次當我來拜訪這座城 Windy city, she blowin' me kisses, no 在這座風城, 她會吹風,會親吻我,不 Thirty degrees, way too cold, so hold me tight 30℉,這天太冷了,所以把我抱緊點 Will I see you at the show tonight? 所以我會在今晚的演出中,見到妳嗎? Will I see you at the show tonight? 所以我會在今晚的演出中,見到妳嗎?
Connect with Drake: https://www.instagram.com/champagnepapi https://www.facebook.com/Drake https://twitter.com/drake https://www.drakeofficial.com Follow GIVĒON: https://twitter.com/giveon https://www.instagram.com/Giveon/ https://www.tiktok.com/@giveon