There’s only but so many heads that can rest on this shoulder.
But I think yours was the best for me to cry over.
“My House Is Not A Home” 是 d4vd 在2024年3月8日發表的單曲。
《 Withered 》 是 d4vd 預計在接下來發表的首張錄音室專輯。
Produced By
Jack Hallenbeck, Scott James & Silent Sky
Written By
d4vd, Jack Hallenbeck, Lucio Westmoreland & Scott James
[Verse 1] Hello, I'm at your door again 你好,我又到了你家門口 I just needed a friend, but now I share a bed with you 我只是需要一個朋友,但現在的我把糟心事分享給你 Am I dumb to succumb to the noise? 我是不是又愚蠢到屈服於外界那些噪音? I'm not a little boy no more, I've made my stupid choices too 我不再是那個小男孩,我也同樣會做愚蠢的選擇 Tell my mother that I'm sorry, tell my father just the same 告訴我媽媽我很抱歉,也告訴我爸爸同樣的歉意 Tell my sister that her brother might as well have gone insane 告訴我妹妹,她哥哥可能已經瘋了 Is there space for me in Houston? 'Cause it's spacious in LA 休士頓還有多餘的空位給我嗎? 因為洛杉磯很寬敞 Where the grass is always greener, and the world can scream my name 那裡的草永遠更綠,而整個世界可以大聲尖叫地喊出我的名字 [Chorus] But you never really cared about thе way that everything turned out 但你從來沒有真正關心過事情的結果 You didn't wanna fall in lovе, you're looking out for yourself now 你並不想墜入愛河,你現在決定要照顧好自己 It's starting to piss me off, I thought I had you figured out 這開始讓我有點生氣,我以為我已經特別了解你 Never thought you would call my bluff, guess who belongs to someone else now 沒想到你會揭穿我的虛張聲勢,猜猜看現在誰已經是屬於別人的了 [Verse 2] Sorry if I overshared, see, life, it isn't fair 很抱歉如果我過度向你分享,看吧,生活,就是這麼不公平 I'm more and more aware of it now 我現在越來越意識到這些問題 You get drunk then start to curse me out 你喝醉了然後開始咒罵我 I told you to watch your mouth 我告訴過你要管住你的嘴 This is exactly what my mother would warn me about 這正是我母親警告過我的 [Bridge] But baby, you can call me when it's over 但是寶貝,在這一切結束後,你還是可以打電話給我 I talked to your therapist, he said you were getting sober 我和你的治療師談過,他說你正在變得清醒 There's only but so many heads that can rest on this shoulder 這肩膀上能依靠的頭只有這麼多 But I think yours was the best for me to cry over 但我想你的肩膀才是最適合我哭泣的那個 [Chorus] But you never really cared about thе way that everything turned out 但你從來沒有真正關心過事情的結果 You didn't wanna fall in lovе, you're looking out for yourself now 你並不想墜入愛河,你現在決定要照顧好自己 It's starting to piss me off, I thought I had you figured out 這開始讓我有點生氣,我以為我已經特別了解你 Never thought you would call my bluff, guess who belongs to someone else now 沒想到你會揭穿我的虛張聲勢,猜猜看現在誰已經是屬於別人的了 [Outro] The house we called our home has fallin' to pieces 我們稱之為家的房子已經倒塌 On its own, I know that you're better off alone 自行倒塌,我知道你一個人會過得更好 Babe, I could fix you but I won't 寶貝,我可以修復你,但我不會這麼做
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