Butterflies can’t stop me fallin’ for you.
“I GUESS I’M IN LOVE” 是 Clinton Kane 在2021年8月20日發表的單曲。
《 MAYBE SOMEDAY IT’LL ALL BE OKAY 》是 Clinton Kane 預計在2022年11月發表的專輯。
創作歌手 Clinton Kane,出生於 1998 年 11 月 26 日是來自澳大利亞珀斯的菲律賓人。Clinton Kane 是從 YouTube 起步的。“this is what a toxic relationship feels like” 和 “this is what having a massive crush on someone feels like” 這兩首原創歌曲受到了很多人的喜歡。
在2020年,Clinton 還和知名DJ Martin Garrix 合作一首 “Drown” 發布於2020年2月,並有超過 1 億的媒體撥放量。隨後在2021年2月發表的單曲 “CHICKEN TENDIES” 更是進入 Billboard Hot 100 排行榜,獲得第88位。
Written By
Clinton Kane & Steve Rusch
[Verse 1] Oh, I'm obsessed 哦,我著迷於此 With the way your head is layin' on my chest 隨著你的頭靠在我的胸膛上 How you love the things I hate about myself that no one knows, but with you, I see hope again 你是多麼喜歡,我討厭自己的那些沒人知道的事情,但是當我和你在一起,我又看到了希望 Oh, I'm a mess 哦,我就是一團糟 When I overthink the little things in my head 當我在腦海中過度思考著一些小事情 You seem to always help me catch my breath 你似乎總是會幫我冷靜,讓我喘口氣 But then I lose it again 但隨後我又迷失了 When I look at you, that's the end 當我看著你,我知道那就是結束 [Pre-Chorus] And why do I get so nervous when I look into your eyes? 為什麼我看著你的眼睛會這麼緊張? Butterflies can't stop me fallin' for you 內心的無數蝴蝶,都無法阻止我愛上你 [Chorus] And darling, this is more than anything I felt before 親愛的,這比我從前感受過的所有感受,都要重要 You're everything that I want 你就是我想要的一切 But I didn't think I'd find 但是我沒想到,我會找到 Someone who was worth the wait 值得我等待的人,會出現 Of all the years of my heartbreak 在我度過無數心碎的這些年 But I know now I found the one I love 但我知道,現在我找到了我最愛的人 [Verse 2] And I love the way 我喜歡這種方式 You can never find the right things to say 你不會找到正確的解釋 And you can't sit still an hour in a day 你也不會整天什麼都不做的,靜坐一個小時 I'm so in love, let's run away because us is enough 我是如此相愛,讓我們逃跑吧,因為只要我們有彼此就已經足夠 [Pre-Chorus] And why do I get so nervous when I look into your eyes? 為什麼我看著你的眼睛會這麼緊張? Butterflies can't stop me fallin' for you 內心的無數蝴蝶,都無法阻止我愛上你 [Chorus] And darling, this is more than anything I felt before 親愛的,這比我從前感受過的所有感受,都要重要 You're everything that I want 你就是我想要的一切 But I didn't think I'd find 但是我沒想到,我會找到 Someone who was worth the wait 值得我等待的人,會出現 Of all the years of my heartbreak 在我度過無數心碎的這些年 But I know now I found the one I love 但我知道,現在我找到了我最愛的人 [Bridge] Come close, let me be home for anything 靠近點,讓我為這個家做任何事 Good or bad, I know it's worth it, woah, ooh-woah 好的壞的,我知道是值得的 [Chorus] And darling, this is more than anything I felt before 親愛的,這比我從前感受過的所有感受,都要重要 You're everything that I want 你就是我想要的一切 But I didn't think I'd find 但是我沒想到,我會找到 Someone who was worth the wait 值得我等待的人,會出現 Of all the years of my heartbreak 在我度過無數心碎的這些年 But I know now I found the one I love 但我知道,現在我找到了我最愛的人
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