Hold on, I still want you
Come back, I still need you.
Chord Overstreet 的 “Hold on” 是一首關於尋找瀕臨死亡的親人的有力而感性的歌曲。發行於2017年2月。
“I was going through a lot in a tumultuous relationship at the time and had lost somebody close to me, and I thought, ‘What would happen if that happened to the person I was not in a relationship with anymore but still really loved?’ I wrote the song from that perspective.” –Chord Overstreet an interview on Billboard.com
“當時我在一段動蕩的關係中經歷了很多,失去了一個親近的人,我想,’如果我不再與之建立關係但仍然真正愛著的人發生這種情況會怎樣?’ 我從那個角度寫了這首歌。”
Written By Chord Overstreet
[Verse 1] Loving and fighting 相愛和爭吵 Accusing, denying 互相指責和否認 I can't imagine a world with you gone 我無法想像會有一個沒有你的世界 The joy and the chaos, the demons we're made of 那些歡樂與混亂,是我們拼湊出的惡魔 I'd be so lost if you left me alone 如果你離開我留我一個人,我會迷失在這裡 You locked yourself in the bathroom 你把自己鎖在浴室裡 Lying on the floor when I break through 當我撞破門時,你就那麼躺在地板上 I pull you in to feel your heartbeat 我抱著你,想試著感受你的心跳 Can you hear me screaming "Please don't leave me" "請不要離開我",你聽的到我的呼喊嗎 [Chorus] Hold on, I still want you 在堅持一下,我還是想要你 Come back, I still need you 回來吧,我還是需要你 Let me take your hand, I'll make it right 讓我牽著你的手,這次我一定不會放 I swear to love you all my life 我發誓我要一輩子都愛著你 Hold on, I still need you 在堅持一下吧,我還是需要你啊 [Verse 2] A long endless highway, you're silent beside me 漫漫長路,你在我身邊沉默 Drivin' a nightmare I can't escape from 這漫長的一場噩夢,我怎麼都無法擺脫 Helplessly praying, the light isn't fadin' 無奈地祈禱,那光沒有消失 Hiding the shock and the chill in my bones 震驚和冷顫,隱藏我骨子裡 They took you away on a table 他們從桌上把你帶走 I pace back and forth as you lay still 我不停的來回走動,而你就這麼躺在那靜止不動 They pull you in to feel your heartbeat 他們抱著你,想試著感受你的心跳 Can you hear me screaming "Please don't leave me" "請不要離開我",你聽的到我的呼喊嗎 [Chorus] Hold on, I still want you 在堅持一下,我還是想要你 Come back, I still need you 回來吧,我還是需要你 Let me take your hand, I'll make it right 讓我牽著你的手,這次我一定不會放 I swear to love you all my life 我發誓我要一輩子都愛著你 Hold on, I still need you 在堅持一下吧,我還是需要你啊 [Bridge] I don't wanna let go 我不想放手 I know I'm not that strong 我知道我沒有那麼堅強 I just wanna hear you 我只是想聽你說 Saying baby, let's go home 寶貝,我們回家 Let's go home 我們回家吧 Yeah, I just wanna take you home 是的,我只想帶你回家 [Outro] Hold on, I still want you 在堅持一下,我還是想要你 Come back, I still need you 回來吧,我還是需要你啊
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