Music & Lyrics & Story
#NOSTORYNOMUSIC ,用最直白的翻譯就是: “沒有故事,就沒有音樂。”
I believe that every song has a special story, and the people who listen to the song have more stories behind it.
Feel free to leave a message to share your story. Swap a story for a nice song.
My Latest Posts
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- asumuh – met a pretty girl | 中英歌詞她帶給我雛菊和蝴蝶,愉悅和心動。但她卻想
- Selena Gomez & benny blanco – Don’t Wanna Cry |《 I Said I Love You First 》| 中英歌詞
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My name is Edwin Waliman, I run Secret Signals, a label services and music PR firm based in Singapore. I notice that you post translated lyrics for a few of the artists that we’re working with such as JVKE, Fly By Midnight, Rosie Darling.
I would love to touch base and explore potential work together for our artists to be featured on your blog.
Let me know if this is something you would be interested in?
Hello Edwin,
First thank you for reaching out to me. This sounds great, I am open to every new opportunity, so yes, I’m very interested in your proposal.
Let’s keep in touch and let me know what kind of collaboration you’re looking for.
This is my email address: [email protected]