我騙過我自己 以為能忘了你。
In those staggered times with you
I lied to myself that I could forget you.
“就忘了吧” 是 1k 在2022年2月28日發表的單曲。
在這個大家多少都有點傷得時代,都喜歡聽一些很喪,很 emo 的歌,”就忘了吧” 在抖音上也因此迅速爆紅。但是對於歌手 1k 並沒有多餘的資料可以介紹,因為歌曲的爆紅,1K 終於在2022年3月31日才開通個人抖音帳號,可以說是很神祕的網路歌手。
我等了好久你始終都沒出現 再見一面我可以站得遠一點 滿天 飛雪 把我心冷卻 I waited for a long time and you never showed up Whem I see you again, I can stand a little farther The sky full of snow cools my heart 想問問你最近過得怎麼樣 有沒新的另一半 還是和從前一樣簡單 有沒有我的世界都一樣沒波瀾 I want to ask how are you doing lately? Is there a new other half, it's your life still as simple as ever With or without me, the world is the same without waves 世界很大你要到處看看 你要到處逛逛 只有我在老地方 陌生又透著光 回憶裡的模樣 就忘了吧 The world is big, you have to look everywhere You're going around, only me stuck in the old place Unfamiliar but luminous, those looks in memory, just forget it 對不起 是我自己不瞭解 給了你一次又一次傷害 翻山越嶺再也找不到 像你一樣的存在 不存在 I'm sorry, I don't understand I hurt you again and again I can never find it again Exist like you, does not exist anymore 分開了一個 春秋又冬夏 對你的思念 他還在掙扎 我一個人停停走走 找不到出口 Separated a spring, autumn, winter and summer Missing you, he is still struggling I stop and go by myself, I can't find the exit 在那些和你錯開的時間裡 我騙過我自己 以為能忘了你 任何事情都讓我 不自主地想起 所以 我拒絕過幾許沒辦法 回避的有些動情 無法讓別人再成為我的唯一 In those staggered times with you I lied to myself that I could forget you Everything reminds me involuntarily So I have refused a few times A little emotional to avoid I can't let anyone else be my only one 世界很大你要到處看看 你要到處逛逛 只有我在老地方 我能有多倔強 我還能怎麼辦 就忘了吧 The world is big, you have to look everywhere You're going around, only me stuck in the old place How stubborn I can be, what else can I do, just forget it 在那些和你錯開的時間裡 我騙過我自己 以為能忘了你 任何事情都讓我 不自主地想起 所以 我拒絕過幾許沒辦法 回避的有些動情 無法讓別人再成為我的唯一 In those staggered times with you I lied to myself that I could forget you Everything reminds me involuntarily So I have refused a few times A little emotional to avoid I can't let anyone else be my only one
詞 Lyrics:1K 曲 Chour:1K 編曲 Composer:1K/方楊Fang Yang 製作人 Producer:一寸光年團隊One Inch Lightyear Team 鍵盤 Keyboard:1K 吉他 Guitar:潘春宇/1K 貝斯 Bass:招炳坤 和聲編寫/和聲 Harmony:1K 混音 Remix:1K 母帶 Mastering:全相彥@OK master studio 監製 Co-Producer:劉通Liu Tong 製作公司&OP Production Company & OP:一寸光年One Inch Lightyear Team - 1K 抖音: https://www.douyin.com/user/MS4wLjABAAAATLJTz8OhE35SoEEzdwMDqzD6NobLFx4Y4e7TyXVZRpcB-1V6UKPIaZ1_mTi1ay4e