I’m full of regrets, but you’re so perfect.
Just take my heart as a joke.
“暗戀是一個人的兵荒馬亂” 是 景域 在2022年7月18日發表的單曲。
幸好暗戀無聲,在每一次狀似無意短暫的對視裡,都有一個人處心積慮長久的凝望。可惜暗戀無聲,每一次夜裡想念都變得震耳欲聾,和無從傾訴的失落。景域 的全新單曲 “暗戀是一個人的兵荒馬亂” ,分享著那些每一次都有向前一步的衝動,卻沒有進一步的勇氣的隱秘情感,和每一次都想放棄,卻在那個人對自己微笑的刹那繳械投降的複雜心情。– 簡單快樂文化
作詞 Lyricist:陳藝柳 Chen Yiliu
作曲 Composer:陳藝柳 Chen Yiliu
你是寒冬裡的雪 也是夏末的花 是深秋的風 春天裡的枝芽 You are the snow in winter and the flower in late summer You are the wind of late autumn, the buds in spring 我喜歡 海風吹起你頭髮 我喜歡 月光觸摸你臉頰 你美得 好像天邊的晚霞 可是你的心裏 我擠不下 I like the sea breeze blowing your hair I like the moonlight touching your cheek You are as beautiful as the sunset in the sky But I can't squeeze in inside your heart 我為你的眼光畫一幅畫 可再昂貴的水彩都不搭 怎麼連靠近一點都掙扎 只想做朋友 是我的謊話 I paint a picture for your eyes No amount of expensive watercolors can describe your beauty Why I'm struggling to even get close to you? Just wanting to be your friend is my lie 你是寒冬裡的雪 也是夏末的花 是深秋的風 春天裡的枝芽 我對你的思念你會知道嗎 我一直在等你的回答 You are the snow in winter and the flower in late summer You are the wind of late autumn, the buds in spring Do you know how much I miss you? I've been waiting for your answer 我是斷了鰭的魚 和剝了殼的蝦 折了翅的鳥 不會奔跑的馬 我滿身缺憾 你卻完美無瑕 就把我的真心當作一個 笑話吧 I'm a finless fish and a shelled shrimp A bird with broken wings, a horse that can't run I'm full of regrets, but you're so perfect Just take my heart as a joke 我喜歡 海邊你捧起的沙 我喜歡 你不經意的塗鴉 你美得 好像天邊的晚霞 可是你的心裡我擠不下 I like the sand you hold by the sea I like your casual doodles You are as beautiful as the sunset in the sky But I can't squeeze in inside your heart
FOLLOW關注 景域Jin Yu: Weibo微博: https://weibo.com/n/%E6%99%AF%E5%9F%9F_YJX FOLLOW關注 简单快乐文化: Weibo微博: https://weibo.com/u/1769440474 Douyin抖音: https://www.douyin.com/user/MS4wLjABAAAA89iSVx4Zgj9aPzKEwujH9NOvWPZW2-Ng1KpvRFOwwxE
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